Monday, July 9, 2018

The Causes Air Conditioner Fan Not Spinning

Do you know the cause why the machine outdoor/dead compressor which certainly makes Air Conditioning feels hot and cold temperatures do not exist at all?

In this time AIRCONDITIONERCOOPS will try to explain a bit why machine pool at AC fan not turning based on  experience.

Maybe this never happened on the AC in your place, indoor Unit turns on but no cold at all? Surely this will make you upset, and just maybe it was caused because the compressor is not working/not flame.

Okay, just go into the discussion of causes outside the AC off, not working, or no flame, to answer your curiosity.

1. Starting Capacitor is weak or not strong enough to Start the engine.

In a compressor below 3 phases or in the size 1/2-2 PK there are capacitor whose name tool that serves to start the engine, this is usually on the mark with the outdoor fan the flame, but the compressor is not flame or just buzzing away.

For the notion and function of the capacitor, please read Capacitor Function sense and read on air conditioning.

2. Auto-Thermise does not work.

Thermise is located in the indoor AC units which serve to organize the work of the compressor in accordance with the temperature of the temperature on the remote display/sensor air conditioning.

If thermise is not functioning then the indoor unit will not be able to send an electric current to the compressor which is certainly going to make AC is also not cool.

And usually on the mark with a fan, outdoor units, and compressors don't flame simultaneously. Read also the functions of the Thermistor In AC Split.

3. Overload compressor is Broken or damaged.

An engine compressor usually complete with a tool whose name is overloaded, the overload of this function is to decide the flow that goes to the compressor when the compressor is experiencing very hot due to the high ampere. But this rarely happens.

4. The Compressor is exposed to high or Low Voltage.

Outdoor AC causes death, the fifth is the compressor usually has a voltage that is 220, if there occur high/low voltage then the compressor will not be able to work with the stylus and will certainly make AC not cold, my advice to wear stabilizer for this problem.

5. There are submissions from Indoor Cable Broke.

Don't forget to check out the posts from indoor cable, perhaps there is a disconnect, or is there a wired connection that is less strong.

6. High Compressor Amperage exceeds the limits of Maximal.

A compressor has the limit of strength (ampere), when it exceeded the normal amperage a compressor so the engine will die.

To fix this, maybe you have time to replace the new AC / compressor.

So, all causes of damage to the AC above is a common problem encountered on AC units.

My suggestion is your AC service periodically to keep optimum performance.

If you have no experience improving your Air Conditioner, it is better to use professional service to solve your AC problem.

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